Yes — as we get older, we need to increase our calcium intake to combat the bone loss that comes with age. Women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 70 should aim to consume 1300mg of calcium per day; people who are younger need 1000mg a day.
Studies of postmenopausal women show that a high calcium intake not only slows the rate of bone loss, but may also reduce the risk of fracture. Nearly four in five women over the age of 65 fail to get even 1000mg, so it’s important to eat rich sources of high-quality calcium, such as reduced-fat dairy products.
Calcium supplements can help you meet higher requirements, and you may need them if you’re at risk of osteoporosis. Always check supplement labels for their pure calcium content, and opt for a brand that provides more than 200mg per tablet.
It’s best to take a supplement that also contains vitamin D, as D helps the body absorb calcium. If you’re thinking of taking a supplement, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the dosage that’s right for you.