Celery Stalk Benefits

There are several ways you can do to gain the health benefits of celery, among others:

- Treatment of hypertension with celery stalk  can be done easily. Take 20 stalks of celery, washed and crushed. Then, given a little cooking water and then squeezed. Drinking water is two tablespoons three times a day. Do it regularly for three days. Results decoction is drunk half the morning, half the night.

- Rural communities make use of celery to cure fever in children by mashing and splash it. Celery juice can increase intelligence, resolve herpes, and mumps.

-For the rheumatic diseases. Take one stalk of celery washed and eaten raw at every meal can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

-Celery can also be as beauty treatments, such as reducing the oil on the face, nourish hair and even eating celery can clean the stains on tooth enamel. For oily face using three stalks of celery. Washed and then sliced ​​into small pieces, pour boiling water and cover. Let cool, then refrigerate. At bedtime, apply celery juice to the face is clean. Once the new dry rinse face thoroughly. Do it regularly. - Celery has positive benefits for Those Who Are doing weight-loss diet. This is understandable Because the calories in celery

- For those of you who want a lush hair, use the juice of five stalks celery treated with three tablespoons of water as a smear of the head. For best results use every day. Using natural ingredients celery as a medicine or treatment body easily obtainable, and minimal side effects.

Celery Nutrition Facts
Celery contains protein, sulfur, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1 and C. Based on this research, celery also contain psoralens, chemicals that destroy cancer-causing free radicals prickly. High levels of sodium in celery is very useful for keeping the body's defenses