Calories in Shrimp and Nutrition

Shrimp is very low calorie (only 106 calories per 100 grams of shrimp) make it one of a very good diet food. It also contains very little saturated fatty acids. Even as other seafood, healthy fatty acid levels in the shrimp it is as high as Omega-3 and Omega-6 respectively reached 540 mg and 28 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp.

 Is shrimp healthy? This may be a standard question about how to address the facts about it.
 indeed shrimp cholesterol content is high at 152 mg per 100 g of fresh shrimp. But almost as well as tuna and other seafood, that all the nutritional benefits will overcome the negative effects. Essential fatty acids contained shrimp can increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides in the blood so it is good for cardiovascular health.

Protein value of categorized complete protein, because amino acid levels are high, profiled approximately 85-95 percent complete and easy to digest the body. 100 grams of raw shrimp containing 20.3 grams of protein or enough to meet daily protein requirements by 41%. Amino acid profile of shrimp (per 100 g) in a row that included high is gulamat acid (3465 mg), aspartic acid (2100 mg), arginine (1775 mg), lysine (1768 mg), leucine (1612 mg), glycine ( 1225 mg), isoleucine (985 mg), and valine (956 mg). That is, shrimp consumed is perfect for those who need protein to build muscle.

A variety of both types of water-soluble vitamins and fat is also very high on the shrimp so it is very well taken. The highest abortion consecutive accordance with the percentage of the daily requirement (daily value) are vitamin D (38%), vitamin B12 (19%), Niacin (13%), vitamin E (5%), vitamin B6 (5%), Vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (3%), and others.

Shrimp also contains many minerals that are essential for the body. As already known, minerals from the sea food is more readily absorbed than that derived from legumes and cereals. The mineral selenium in 100 grams of fresh shrimp enough to meet the daily needs of 54%, followed by phosphorus (20%), iron and copper (each 13%), magnesium (9%), zinc (7%), sodium (6%) , potassium and calcium (each 5%), and various other essential minerals.